Wednesday, February 13, 2008

PA-Western Pennsylvania Humane Society-Northside-Three Pigs

Three big pigs at the Western Pennsylvania Humane Society-Northside!

LISTING REMOVED. Bob is a three year old piggie boy featured in close up:
LISTING REMOVED. George is an adorable three year old piggie boy:
LISTING REMOVED. Buddy is a cute boy on the small side at two pounds. All two pounds are adorable! He is three years old:

NY-Lollypop Farm in Fairport-three pigs

Three new Lollypop Guild Pigs! So sad, no photos :( It's pretty much a guarantee they will be the cutest pigs of all though.

LISTING REMOVED. Sparkles is a primarily black tricolor guinea pig girl, two years of age.

LISTING REMOVED. Oreo is a senior lady, and lawd knows they need love too. She is a four year old, primarily black tri-color guinea girl.

LISTING REMOVED. Wilburina (uh, okay) is a one year old chocolate colored guinea girl--she sounds like a beauty! ETA: She is:

PA-Animal Rescue League of Berks County-Sow

The ADOPTED! Animal Rescue League of Berks County has a playful one year old sow available for adoption. Her name is Hammy, and she is a gorgeous black and white girl with sleek fur. The old fwi: her eyes may not be red, actually, healthy black guinea pig eyes often reflect as red at certain angles when taken with a flash.