Monday, October 29, 2007

NY-Lollypop Farm in Fairport

Lollypop Farm in Fairport has so many animals it's astounding. Small animals have their own room. I also think they have a contract to get the best looking guinea pigs around. One of my exes contested the best looking women were in New York, maybe it applies to guinea pigs too!

LISTING REMOVED. Piggy is 1 years old and 7 months. He has a crest! And beautiful markings.

LISTING REMOVED. Pokey is a copper colored boy who is 1 year and 7 months old. He looks really smart to me for some reason. Maybe it's just because he's got a newspaper.

LISTING REMOVED. Burt is so adorable. It looks like he has blue eyes. This is a ridiculously cute guinea pig. He's ten months old, and that's all the info says about him but wow, what a gorgeous guy.

LISTING REMOVED. Tucker is a handsome eight month old abby. He looks like a caterpillar that metamorphosed into a guinea pig.

There are a couple of guinea pigs without pictures. Below I try and intuit their personalities from their names. Fun!

LISTING REMOVED. Foxy is a one year old tan female. The name could imply she's good looking!

LISTING REMOVED. Honey is also a one year old tan female. I bet she's sweet?

LISTING REMOVED. Buddie is a one year old guy. Tan color, with salt and pepper markings. Someone to pal around with.


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