Monday, November 19, 2007

NY-Craigslist-three listings

* If responding to a Craigslist ad meet in a public place, or go with a friend. Google the phone number of the poster to
it matches the name he or she gives *

Syracuse, NY: repost of two girls. Sweet lovable adults (two years old) need new home. For a small adoption fee, you can provide them with one. They are cuddly and like to be held. Ideal if they can both be adopted together. Come with bedding, toys, food, vitamin C drops, etc. The one of the left looks like a patchwork guinea pig. She's so beautiful. They both are!

Buffalo, NY: How cute is this boy?? I love him. I think he's so adorable. I do wonder why he's in a window screen looking like it's his job to hold the house together. Someone adopt him and tell me if he has Atlas-like powers. One year old, comes with all supplies needed for a small adoption fee.

POST DELETED. Ithaca, NY: The cage these two come with is a classic example of when people think by giving height to a cage, they're providing their guinea pigs with more space. A tall cage is only as large as its base. An ideal cage will be long, wide, with maybe a loft, but the wire ramps make this completely undesirable for such groundlings as guinea pigs. Cookie and Orea are four years old, qualifying them for the senior adoption month. Cookie is a brown and white short hair, Orea is a black and white abby. They are sweet boys looking for a forever home. As seniors, they won't be quickly adopted. However, their age makes no difference to the sn@ke.


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