Tuesday, October 30, 2007

NY-EUTHANASIA ALERT-Hi-Tor Animal Care Center

ADOPTED!! Joey is an amazing guinea pig temporarily living in an overflowing shelter. As a result, he is in danger of being euthanized. It is not the fault of the fantastic shelter workers, and Joey is not an "unadoptable" guinea pig. Rather, there are too few homes for the inumerable homeless guinea pigs- a result of br33ders, pet stores, and frequent missexing. There are so many guinea pigs, and other animals, looking for a home, and it's hard to find just one cause. It is easy to find just one solution, for just one animal-open your home for adoption or fostering, and you will be saving a life.

Joey is just one year old, which means he has plenty of years left. He is cuddly and incredibly well socialized to people-Joey is a "pet buddy," so he has gone on visits to Nursing Home residents. What a sweet boy! The shelter likes him so much a staff member posted on GuineaLynx to help find this guy a home-that's awesome. Any shelter workers or volunteers who read this and want me to post about their guinea pig, or want me to post something they've written, send it to adoptaguineapig @ gmail.com.

There are also five rabbits that need to find homes ASAP at this shelter.


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