Thursday, November 29, 2007

NY-Mohawk and Hudson River Humane Society-two baby boys

I don't know squat first hand about Mohawk and Hudson River Humane Society. Their website says that they spay and neuter all their animals prior to adoption, when medically possible, and I think this is so fantastic. It can be an expensive and complicated procedure in guinea pigs, and so it's excellent to find a shelter or rescue that will take care of this for you. Because no one reading this blog wants to br33d guinea pigs, right? If so, please leave. You're in the wrong classroom. And though these two aren't a coed couple, there are long term health benefits to both neutering and spaying.

LISTING REMOVED. An interesting thing, which I've actually never seen before , is that they don't have photographs of their guinea pigs available for adoption. Rather, they have a colored pencil drawing. That's wacky! Not sure if these two boys actually look like this, or if it's a generic stand in, but the artist has talent! The two boys in question are Hewey and Dewey, both small baby boys.


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